Ограничения в Грузии будут сниматься поэтапно, в зависимости от распространения вируса и рекомендаций врачей
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Georgia allowed foreigners and people without citizenship to stay

Foreigners or people without citizenship are allowed to stay in Georgia until June 30 due to coronavirus pandemic. This was stated on April 17 in a government decree.

According to the amendments, people who legally stayed on the territory of Georgia until March 14, 2020, and were unable to leave the country before the expiration of their legal stay, have the right to legally stay in the country until June 30, 2020, in case of these circumstances:

If the state, of which the person is a citizen, was a high-risk zone.

If the home state closed its borders.

If a citizen was in a hospital, self-isolation or quarantine.

If a citizen could not leave the country on time due to the cancellation of flights.

In case that a foreign citizen or person without citizenship falls into any one of the above categories, he will be relieved of the liability for violation of his stay in the country. A citizen will have to present an appropriate document to confirm his case.

The decree emphasizes that a stay on the territory of Georgia of a foreign citizen or one without citizenship, will not be considered legal if it’s an attempt to acquire citizenship.

From March 21 to April 21, a state of emergency was declared in Georgia. From March 21 to May 10, air service was suspended.