Грузии Службой доходов за нарушение правил экономической деятельности оштрафованы 152 компании
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152 companies fined in Georgia for violating the rules of economic activity

In Georgia, 152 companies were fined for violating rules of economic activity during the state of emergency, the Revenue Service said.

From March 23 to April 17, 152 entrepreneurs were charged with almost 1.14 million lari (363 thousand dollars) for violation. Of these, 83 facts were in Tbilisi and 69 — in the regions.

Penalties are issued in administrative order for not maintaining social distance, as well as work without masks and gloves.

Among the fined, there are supermarkets, small and medium-sized stores. Among the violators are three markets organizing companies.

Departmental mobile groups across the country identify companies that have suspended economic activity during a state of emergency and take appropriate measures. Also, an audit is carried out of companies that can operate during an emergency, following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.