В Грузии 30 апреля отмечают День сил обороны2
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Defense Force Day celebrated in Georgia

The Armed Forces of Georgia were created in 1990 under the decision of the Supreme Council of the country on the allocation of internal troops from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the formation of the National Guard.

On April 24, 1991, the country’s cabinet of ministers issued an order on the first official draft in the Georgian army, which started on April 30 of that year. This date became the founding date of the army.

Georgian troops participated in the battles in the 90s during the Abkhazian and Ossetian conflicts, in 2004 — during the aggravation in the Tskhinvali region, in 2008 — during the Russian-Georgian war.

Since 1999, the Georgian Armed Forces have been actively involved in peacekeeping missions. The Georgian military served in Kosovo and Iraq, and continue to serve in Afghanistan. Also, they were involved in UN missions in the Central African Republic and Mali.

Georgian Armed Forces work closely with NATO. Tbilisi takes part in the Partnership for Peace Alliance program. A Charter on Strategic Partnership was signed between Georgia and the United States, according to which the United States committed itself to modernize the Georgian army and increase its combat effectiveness. Today, the country’s Armed Forces are compatible with NATO standards.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia, Parliament Speaker Archil Talakvadze and Defense Minister Irakli Garibashvili laid flowers at the memorial to the heroes who died in the struggle for the country’s territorial integrity. The first people of the state paid tribute to the victims of armed conflicts in which Georgia participated.

There will be no festive events, the military together with everyone is at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus.

The Ministry of Defense of Georgia and the National Parliamentary Library specially prepared for the Day of the Georgian Army a virtual exhibition “The Army Against the Invisible Enemy”. The photo exhibition reflects the contribution that the army makes to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.