Посол США в Грузии: Россия должна выполнить свои обязательства и вывести войска
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US Ambassador to Georgia: Russia must fulfill its obligations and withdraw troops

US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan, along with Deputy Head of the Georgian State Security Service Alexandre Khodzhevanishvili, visited the borderline near the village of Odzisi (Dusheti Municipality).

Degnan said she first got acquainted with the situation near the line of occupation and called alarming the recent days about «bordering» — the illegal installation of barriers.

Especially during COVID, we must work to save lives and the additional threat in the form of «bordering» is inhumane. I know that checkpoints were closed in September. At least 13 people died — they could have been saved if they had been given the opportunity to move to the territory controlled by Tbilisi and receive medical care. It’s a shame to see such situation.

The diplomat also touched on the topic of Russian misinformation. According to her, hackers and irresponsible people in Russia and other places attack Georgia and the Lugar laboratory during the pandemic. Degnan noted that the laboratory is run by Georgian specialists who are very good at diagnosing and containing the virus. “Attacks on the Lugar laboratory are simply lies and irresponsibility. I am very sorry that I am witnessing this,” the ambassador said.

Degnan also expressed support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia.

When I see the construction on the other side of the line of occupation, I am even more convinced that Russia must fulfill its obligations under the 2008 ceasefire agreement and withdraw troops.

The dividing line near the village of Takhtisdziri of the Karelian municipality was visited by the Georgian State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili. She met the locals and expressed support.

On April 17, the State Security Service (GBS) of Georgia announced the illegal installation of barriers in the Karelian region. On the eve Tskhinvali accused Tbilisi of spreading false propaganda.