Four NATO frigates enter port of Poti

Four warships of NATO’s Second Permanent Naval Group (SNMG-2) entered the port of Poti. They will…

Georgia, the coordinating council began working online

The Prime Minister of Georgia, Giorgi Gakharia, began to hold meetings of the coordinating council to…

President of Georgia pardons nine convicted women

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili pardoned nine convicted women on the occasion of the Annunciation Day. The…

6 modular hospitals for coronavirus will be built in Azerbaijan

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed a decree regarding additional measures to strengthen the fight…

Georgia is among 38 countries to which the European Bank for Reconstruction will allocate 1 billion euro

Georgia is among the 38 countries that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will allocate…

Ursula von der Leyen: EU needs “Marshall Plan” after epidemic

The head of the European Commission believes that the EU will need a new “Marshall Plan”…

Armenia has launched mobile application against coronavirus

An App called «COVID-19 Armenia» has been launched. It represents a test which after completion calculates…

Baku police monitor people who leave their home

Baku police have started monitoring streets as an additional measure in preventing the mass spread of…

In Turkey coronavirus vaccine has been successfully tested on animals

COVID-19 Vaccine has been successfully tested on animals in turkey. As following step scientists are planning…