President of Georgia pardons nine convicted women

Президент Грузии оплатила Интернет более шестистам школьникам

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili pardoned nine convicted women on the occasion of the Annunciation Day.

The website of the presidential administration reported that all of the pardoned have one or more underage children and the crimes committed by them are not classified as violent.

All nine women will be released today.

This is the second time after the moratorium announced on September 18. For the first time, the Georgian president pardoned five convicts on Christmas Eve and they were released under the new rules, which entered into force on November 27, 2019.

After the scandalous act of the president, a moratorium on a pardon was announced which included those who committed serious crimes, such as the murder of a police officer and drug trafficking. Then it was decided to limit the selection criteria for convicts who would be presented for a pardon.

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