Residents of Marneuli and Bolnisi regions, where strict quarantine has been introduced for almost three weeks, will undergo repeated medical checks. This fact was announced by the Minister of Health of Georgia Ekaterina Tikaradze. According to the minister, epidemiologists carried out «unprecedented labour-intensive work» in two districts.
“In Marneuli and Bolnisi, more than 150 contacts were detected from one infected person. Of the 150 contacts, 14 were infected. This is confirmation that work was done properly. Today, the region is being re-examined, since we know that the virus is characterized by relatively late detection and it is very important that all individuals are identified,” Tikaradze said.
Due to the threat of a local outbreak of coronavirus on March 22, strict quarantine was introduced in Marneuli and Bolnisi.
The population of two neighbouring municipalities is about 200 thousand. It is forbidden to leave the territory of administrative units without special permission.