Режим строгого карантина вводится в Кобулетском муниципалитете Аджарии
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A strict quarantine is introduced in the Kobuleti municipality of Adjara

Starting April 12, a strict quarantine regime will be introduced in the Kobuleti municipality of the Adjara Autonomous Republic of Georgia.

New restrictions will affect four villages of the Kobuleti municipality, where many contacts of the person infected with coronavirus have been identified. As in other areas of Georgia, where strict quarantine was introduced earlier, residents will be allowed to leave the house only to buy medicines and food or to seek medical help.

The local population will be allowed to carry out spring fieldwork under a special protocol established by the government, Chikovani said.

The first case of coronavirus in the Kobuleti municipality was detected a few days ago. A 54-year-old woman was infected, whose source of infection was not identified by the doctors. Later, coronavirus was confirmed in 6 more people who came into contact with the woman. The number of contacts of infected patients exceeds 100 people, and therefore additional restrictions were introduced.

In total, 20 people from Kobuleti cluster were diagnosed with coronavirus, said Adjara Health Minister Zaal Mikeladze.

According to him, 203 contacts of Kobuleti cluster were revealed, 187 people have already been examined.

According to the minister, a group of doctors has been mobilized to conduct thermal screening of all villagers who are in strict quarantine.

A total of 25 infected people are in Adjara today.

Strict quarantine restrictions were introduced today in the administrative units of the municipality of Kobuleti — Gvara, Mukhaestate, Legva and Tskavroka.

Entry and exit of citizens from these settlements are prohibited.

Strict quarantine restrictions also apply to residents of Bolnisi, Marneuli and Lentekhi.