Georgia launched an application to monitor the spread of coronavirus

В Грузии запустили приложение для мониторинга распространения коронавируса

In Georgia, «STOP COVID» mobile application has been launched to monitor the spread of coronavirus.

“This is a very important application that has been successfully used in South Korea and Japan,” said Georgian Minister of Health Ekaterina Tikaradze.

The application allows users to find out if they came into contact with people with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.

Bluetooth, GPS and other technologies make it possible to identify users of smartphones nearby, whom the system recognizes as “contacts”.

When two devices come close to each other, they save identification numbers, as well as the date, time and place of such interaction. If the user is diagnosed with coronavirus, the system warns all of its “contacts” about the risk of infection and spread of the virus.

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