Georgian police issued 4,500 fines during the month of emergency state

В Грузии за месяц задействования Чрезвычайного положения полиция выписала более 4,5 тысячи штрафов

With the declaration of the state of emergency from March 21 to April 18, police officers issued more than 4,500 fines, says the website of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

The biggest number of fines was issued for violation of curfew, which was imposed on March 31. In total, over 1,500 people received fines during this period.

In second place were violations of the rules of car movement. In total, in a short period, about 1.2 thousand people were charged.

In third place were violators of the ban on meetings. For such violation, fines received more than 1.1 thousand people.

The remaining 725 were violators of self-isolation and the ban on economic activity.

The fine for violating the rules of emergency and curfew is three thousand lari (957 dollars) for individuals and 15 thousand for legal entities (almost 4.8 thousand dollars). Payment is within 30 days or one can appeal after the state of emergency is over.

The state of emergency in Georgia was declared on March 21 because of the spread of coronavirus. After 10 days, a curfew was imposed in the country, and by April 18, the rules had been tightened even further by banning driving without permission.

The state of emergency in Georgia is active until April 21, but the authorities decided to extend its validity until May 10.

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