The Government of Georgia will present an anti-crisis economic plan

Правительство Грузии 24 апреля 2020 года представит проект антикризисного экономического плана

On April 24, the Georgian government will present an anti-crisis economic plan, said Advisor to the Prime Minister Irakli Chikovani.

By decision of the government, the state of emergency was extended until May 22 in Georgia. If during that period the country will successfully overcome the peak of coronavirus, a plan will be launched to remove restrictions, after which measures will be taken to restore economic activity and save the economy.

“The entire plan will consist of two phases. This is a targeted anti-crisis social assistance plan, as well as a business crisis assistance plan. At the same time, on Friday, a plan will be presented for a gradual removal of restrictions for relaunching the economy,” Chikovani said.

Chikovani noted that measures taken by the government serve to stimulate the economy and help the population of Georgia.

The government announced the allocation of a package of two billion lari (more than 633 million dollars). This was after the authorities announced on March 13 the allocation of a package of one billion lari (about $ 317 million).

The initial package contains the suspension of tax payments for representatives of the tourism sector until November 2020, subsidizing small and medium-sized hotels, an increase in the loan guarantee scheme, acceleration of VAT refunds and increase in capital spendings.

The government will also subsidize the import of nine products, including flour, rice, milk powder, butter, and create a stock of these products for 50 million lari (more than $ 15.8 million).

Besides, the government will finance taxes for electricity and natural gas for certain categories of citizens.

As a result of long negotiations, the Georgian government managed to obtain financial assistance from international financial institutions. Thus, the International Monetary Fund agreed to extend the “Extended Financing Facility” Program, which means the allocation of  $ 447 million for Georgia by the end of the year.

Also, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the German Development Fund and the French Development Agency, which are faithful donors to the country, will provide Georgia $ 1.5 billion by the end of 2020.

The number of infected in Georgia reached 411 people, 98 of them recovered, five patients died.

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