Tbilisi Mayor suggested prohibiting the traffic on weekends after quarantine

В Тбилиси установливают детекторы определяющие уровень шума транспортных средств

The ban on moving around the city with cars positively affected air pollution. On April 22 the mayor of Tbilisi posted a video message on his Facebook page saying:

“Experts joke that Tbilisi now has the same air as Bakhmaro (a mountain village in Georgia, famous for its healing climate),” Kaladze said.

The mayor suggested that residents of Tbilisi think about limiting the movement of with vehicles for two days a week after quarantine. He stressed that this is only an idea that has yet to be “brought to mind.»

Introducing a permanent ban on passenger cars on certain days of the month or week in the capital is not a decision, but an initiative — explained Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze.

“We gave the public a specific topic for discussion. Many supported the idea, began to propose how best to do, what hours to limit traffic in the city. All this needs to be considered in the future. We will return to this topic when we return to the ordinary rhythm of life,” Kaladze emphasized.

The mayor of Tbilisi noted that he did not invent a bicycle, but relied on the experience of advanced countries that care about the environment and public health.

“Today is World Earth Day. It’s time to think about what steps to take to ensure that our country is environmentally friendly. All that I talked about today is at the initiative level, let the society decide what we want, and in what form — two days a week or a month,” Kaladze said.

Since April 17, in Georgia, as part of the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection, a ban on the movement of cars has been in force. Public transport in the country also does not work.

The government promised to lift the ban on the use of cars from April 27.

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