Decree of the President of Georgia — the introduction of fines and criminal liability

Декрет президента Грузии - введение штрафов и уголовной ответственности на постоянной основе

The Parliament of Georgia has approved amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code, which provide for the introduction of fines and criminal liability on an ongoing basis.

Until today, In the legislation of Georgia concepts as a violation of quarantine or self-isolation or violation of the rules of emergency did not exist. On March 21, the punishment had to be imposed by a decree of the President of Georgia: at the first stage, 3 thousand lari for individuals and 15 thousand lari for legal entities, and after imprisonment for three years for individuals or liquidation or a fine and suspension of activities for legal entities.

From May 2, these violations will be the current articles of criminal and administrative law.

So, according to the amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations, violation of the rules of isolation or quarantine in Georgia will be punished with a fine of 2 thousand lari for individuals and 10 thousand lari for legal entities.

A repeated violation of this kind will imply criminal liability and punishment in the form of house arrest for a term of six months to two years or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

The penalty for violation of martial law or state of emergency will be the same as the current one. At the first stage, fines of 3 thousand lari for individuals and 15 thousand lari for legal entities.

Repeated violation of these rules will lead to imprisonment of up to 6 years for individuals or to liquidation or a fine and suspension of activities for legal entities.

As for the high fines by the standards of Georgia, then, as legislators explain, they will ensure the prevention of violations.

According to the legal norms in force in the country, the law is not retroactive and those who have already been fined will have to pay the fine due to the decree of the President of Georgia.

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