China donates 20 thousand coronavirus tests to Georgia

Китай передал Грузии 20 тысяч тестов на коронавирус безвозмездно

A special flight delivered 52 tons of cargo from Beijing to Tbilisi, including 40 thousand PCR tests and 20 thousand quick tests.

20 thousand quick tests were donated by China to Georgia.

At the airport, the Minister of Health Ekaterine Tikaradze monitored the process of unloading the cargo.

“At this stage, these tests are aimed at target groups — these are patients with symptoms, also quarantined patients and all those who have had contact with a person infected with the coronavirus. This week we are expanding testing to those vulnerable groups in which the risk is very high, and we are additionally working on the issue of who will be the next priority,” Tikaradze told reporters.

Tikaradze noted the importance of strict adherence to the recommendation to maintain a positive epidemiological situation in the country.

“As the virus spreads in the country, events are developing very positively. Today we manage the spread of the virus successfully and the peak that was announced by the end of April did not occur. But it does not mean that we should relax,” said Tikaradze.

According to the minister, if citizens strictly follow the recommendations, we will manage to control the infection and there will be no peak of the epidemic. Moreover, Tikaradze is sure that after some time one of the world’s exemplary healthcare systems will be formed in Georgia.

“Of course, there are risks so far, the sector needs a lot of work. But I’m sure that after a certain period, we in Georgia will get such a strong healthcare system that will be one of the model systems in the world,” The minister emphasized.

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