World War II veterans will receive the medal “75 years of Victory over Fascism”

В Грузии ветераны Второй мировой войны получат медаль "75 лет Победы над фашизмом" и одноразовую помощь от государства

By order of the Georgian government, participants of World War II will receive the medal “75 years of Victory over Fascism,” the government website said in a statement.

Also, veterans and family members of those killed in World War II will receive one-time assistance from the state. Each veteran by May 9 will receive 600 lari, and members of the families of the deceased — 300 lari.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili sent a letter of congratulations to veterans, the message reads on the website of the head of state’s administration.

To the letter for each veteran, Zurabishvili attached a pharmacy voucher for the purchase of medicines in the amount of 100 GEL.

“With great respect, I congratulate you on the 75th anniversary of the Victory in World War II. Georgia has made a great contribution to the struggle for the main value of mankind — peace. In this victory, great merit belongs to you and your associates. It is a blessing that you are with us today, and we have the opportunity to thank you again and bow to you for your heroism,” In the letter said Zurabishvili.

In total, there are 370 veterans in Georgia. The youngest of them is 94 years old, and the oldest is almost 103 years old.

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