Посольство США и представительство ЕС призвали власть и оппозицию Грузии к выполнению соглашения
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US Embassy and EU Delegation Call on Georgian Authorities and Opposition to Implement Agreement

A new political scandal erupts in Georgia after the ruling Georgian Dream party and the opposition exchanged harsh statements over an election agreement signed with the assistance of the US Embassy and the EU Delegation in Georgia.

The opposition accused the authorities of not fulfilling the memorandum of March 8, pointing out that political prisoners were not released, although this was one of the important conditions of the agreement. Opposition deputies even accused the Georgian Dream of trying to fail constitutional changes in the rules of holding parliamentary elections in the country.

The US Embassy and the EU Delegation responded to the dispute that revolved around the agreement of March 8, 2020, and called on both parties to implement both points of this agreement.

“The agreement of March 8 was a historic success achieved by the political forces of Georgia, which aimed at depolarizing the political system and creating the best environment for the October parliamentary elections after the promised constitutional amendments to hold the parliamentary elections in 2020 were not fully implemented to the electoral system,” diplomats evaluate the documents that were signed on March 8 at the residence of the US ambassador to Tbilisi.

Diplomats described their role as “facilitating the creation of a platform for discussion,” which allowed participants to make compromises.

“Our role does not provide for the publication of the content of discussions or clarification of the agreement,” they stressed.

According to the authors of the statement, the content of the agreement is well known to the public and consists of two parts: one part is focused on the electoral system, and the second is devoted to resolving issues that are similar to political interference in the judicial system.

“We urge all parties to fully comply with both parts of the agreement so that it is successfully implemented,” the EU and US representatives conclude.